This week, I am joined by the hosts of Conspiracypilled. They took a show about conspiracies and turned it into a ministry. Join us as we talk about what that looks like, what their favorite conspiracies are, and their journey.
Mike is back to talk to us about the so-called evils of Easter. We spent some time debunking the claims against Christmas and now we're taking on Easter.
Join us for a good time and a thorough erasure of the lies that surround our celebration of the resurrection of Jesus Christ.
Warren was once a Calvinist. He accepted Calvin's five points (TULIP). But, he walked away from Calvinism. I'd like to find out why.
When the majority of online Christianity identifies as reformed in the Calvinist sense, I'd like to hear the other side.
I have, in fact, never been a Calvinist nor have I been able to square what I consider a circle. We may do an episode with a Calvinist in the future to flesh out what they think we missed, but for now, let's take a look at theology, the goodness of God, and what it's like to fight James White.
Syran Warner, notable Cult Destroyer, is back again to talk about a new cult that has let us all in on a big secret. The world is ending in two days.
Profundity Yours looks like Heaven's Gate made over and is led by a woman who believes her to be the second coming of Christ or "the first emanation of creation." Really, it just seems like Marshall Applewhite made over.
Join us as we talk about the world ending, if aliens are coming, and what to look out for in the days ahead if you're crazy enough to believe this.
Jody Plauché was kidnapped by his karate teacher, flown to California, and sexually abused by his captor. Thank God, he was found and made it home.
But the abuse didn't begin when he was kidnapped. It began a year before. There was grooming, trust-building, and rape.
After Jody got home from California, his captor was led, in handcuffs, past news cameras by police. As his captor was walked past a payphone bank, a man in a hat and sunglasses turned around and shot the abuser, killing him on the spot.
Jody's father, Gary Plauché, had taken the law into his own hands and killed his son's abuser.
Join us as we talk about the reality of being abused, your father being the hero that killed your abuser, and healing after such trauma.
This week, we are talking to the inimitable Jessica Green from some stupid show called "The Mad Ones."
She was once a cringey, angry, online atheist. Now, she's a dedicated Orthodox Christian.
Hang around to hear her story and how God changed both her heart and her life.
Naomi's father started a cult. He took the mantle from a recently deceased spiritual leader and claimed it for himself. Then, he claimed that he needed multiple wives. Naomi grew up in this world that most people will never know.
We're going to talk about her story, how she got out, her ministry now, and how she kept the faith when most people do not. This should be a good one.
A listener asked me what my demonologist/paranormal researcher buddy Izzy thought about by exorcist buddy Scott Johnson, so I decided to bring them together and force a conversation.
These are men whose mission is to take down the enemy and his minions as they find them. Let's find out what they've learned, what they agree and disagree about, and more.
This week, we are joined by an ex-Luciferian. Sparooski spent the better part of three decades consorting with the devil. Then, Jesus saved her. Izzy and I will be talking to her about her story, her experience with the Satan, and spiritual warfare.
No big show this week. Just an update and a question.
Check it out. Let me know what you think.
Is Christmas pagan? Is a Christmas tree actually a heathen Yule tree? Was Mithras born on December 25th? Are you partaking in evil by giving gifts to your children and watching the Santa Clause?
We're going to explore these claims and more with Michael Jones from InspiringPhilosophy. Join us as we break down the facts and tell you the truth about Christmas.
This week, we are joined again by the very great author and screenwriter, Brian Godawa. The author of the Chronicles of the Nephilim, the Chronicles of the Watchers, and the Chronicles of the Apocalypse, the man has spent hours in study and writing on the overarching meta-narrative of the Bible, which came to a cresendo in the life of Jesus Christ.
It's Christmas, so we're talking about the birth of Christ. More specifically, the incarnation and what that meant to the culture at the time.
This one is going to be a good one.
This week, I am joined again by my boy Whip and his good friend Pipes to have an informal discussion on Santa's scumbag sidekicks. Be it Belsnickel, Krampus, the Yule lads, or Black Peter, we're gonna talk about it.
Join us for a good time and a great start to the Christmas season.
This week, we (Coop is joining me again as guest co-host) are joined by Israel Petty (aka Izzycentric). He is a self-taught demonologist and paranormal researcher. We're going to be talking demons, angels, the dead, and more.
I am so stoked for this episode. We are joined by Brian Godawa, a prolific author known for his speculative historical fiction in the Nephilim Chronicles and a screenwriter known for his work on "To End All Wars" starring Kiefer Sutherland.
Coop and Ryan will join me as co-hosts to talk ancient cosmology, story, creation, and more. This isn't one to miss.
This week, we are joined by Dr. Hillel Gray. He is a professor of comparative religion at Miami University, a researcher, a speaker, and an incredibly interesting man. He has spent time with the Westboro Baptist Church and other fringe, radical religious sects in order to understand them. Let's learn something from his experience and expertise.
[Small handful of hard curse words here and there] This week, we are joined by Ben Taylor of Raw Motivations. Ben is a self-aware narcissist on a journey of healing and growth. He's bringing awareness to narcissistic abuse and how it has affected his life and others. He works daily with Narcissistic Abuse Survivors to find healing and freedom from trauma. He also interacts with Narcissists to try to wake them up and help them change. Join us as we examine the life and mind of a narcissist.
[There are a couple of instances of mild adult language.] This week, I'm joined by the extremely great Zachary Cooper. The man has a degree in Christian Apologetics and uses that degree to teach (and correct) people on TikTok and Instagram. The dude is a lot of fun and we're going to talk church history, online apologetics, and righteous indignation.
This week, we are joined by a personal role model of mine, Josh Hiers. When I was in college, he was the premier worship leader. I've met few people on this planet that exude Jesus and his love like Josh does. He was off to be a missionary when he got sick and has been confined to his house since. We're going to catch up and talk about how he's been and how he's dealt with his illness. I can't describe to you how excited I am for this episode.
This week, we are joined by a New Testament Theologist who is currently working on his PhD. He's here to give his case for the ordination of women. What's women's place? According to Nick, right beside the men in the church. This isn't a topic that I have settled on, so I want to hear both sides of the debate.
Well, my good friend Monica Perez is back to make this show worth watching again. We haven't spoken in a minute, so there is plenty of time to catch up, talk about the most recent propaganda, and more.
Kim is back to talk more stoicism, music, her new band, aspiration, and more. It's time to catch up and talk about what's on our minds in a more free environment.
This week, we are joined by our Twitter pal HEX. You may know him as HEXcellerate. He's a musician, a gun-lover, and a good guy to have in your corner. What you may not have known is that he grew up in the Nation of Islam. When I found out, I had to have him on to talk about it. Join us as we discuss this black nationalist religion, how it is to grow up in it, and how some of us are white devils due to a mad scientist with a big head.
This week, we are joined by a man whose claim to fame would have been as the guitarist of a well-loved stoner metal band, but after they recorded their first album and were on their way to prominence, he left. He went to go live in an Orthodox Monastery and lived as a monk for 7 years. We're going to explore this story and more this week and you should join us.
Roe v. Wade was repealed. I didn't expect to see that happen in my lifetime. My mom, for my entire life, has helped women who are seeking abortions choose life and help those who have had abortions find healing. So, let's discuss this ruling and celebrate with her as we find out where we go from here.
Also, her son is super handsome.
Syran Warner is on a mission to destroy a cult called "The Body." This cult views children as property, steals children, and destroys the lives of its members and those who get out. A journalist and alternative media producer, Syran is doing anything he can to take this cult down. Let's talk about it.
We've talked about Bible translations in the past. I left a bit disappointed in the lack of precision and general claims made. This week, we are talking to Dr. Mark Ward of Bible Study Magazine. He wrote the book on the KJV and KJV-Onlyism. We're going to talk about the Bible, translations, and what we miss through our own biases.
This week, we are joined by Josh Denny. He's a canceled stand-up comedian, a podcaster, a writer, and a Food Network host. This is a surprisingly topical timing for this episode after the drama Cam got himself into on Twitter. Join us as we talk about his story, Cam's story, and more.
This week, we are joined by David Gornoski of A Neighbor's Choice joins us to talk about human nature, mimetic theory, and the role of the scapegoat in society. Join us as we dig deep and hopefully learn something.
It's the end of the month. There's so much bad news floating around, we thought it would be a good time to talk about some good news. So, we're going to talk about good things, unwind, and shoot the breeze. You should join us.
This week, I'm a little annoyed. I've seen way too many posts where I've seen Christians allude to hurting, killing, or punishing their enemies. Be it other denominations of Christians, their political foes, or others.
So, I think it's time to talk about the heart of Christianity, love.
Specifically, we're going to talk about how Jesus told us to love our enemies. This is countercultural. This makes no sense to most people. But, it is a mandate from our Lord. So, maybe we should heed it.
Cody Cook from Cantus Firmus and John Dangelo the Anti-War War Vet join us to talk about enemy love, what it looked like in the early church, what it can look like in our own lives, and who we should be.
This week, we are joined by Elias Dummer. If you've ever heard the City Harmonic, you've heard this man's voice. He's a musician, an artist, a thinker, a speaker, a believer, and a fantastic content creator. With a vision of unity and beauty in the church, he's a great person to talk to about worship, our culture, and all things Christianity.
This week, we are joined by the very gracious G-Dubya. He's an embalmer, autopsy tech, and a video game collector. We're going to pick his brain about the reality of death, working with dead people, and what it takes to do his job. Join us!
This week, we are joined by Ben Brown. He escaped a Mormon polygamist compound and grew up with several sister-mommies. I found out later that he is actually the nephew of the "Sister Wives." We're going to talk to him about what it's like to have sister-mommies, how he escaped, and what the wide world is like outside of a polygamist cult.
Last week, we asked "what is the gospel?" We walked through the full-view of the gospel from Genesis to the Cross. This week, we take a look at the resurrection of Christ, at a Christian view of anthropology (do souls exist?), and the great Christian hope, the resurrection of all and the marriage of Heaven and Earth with Glenn Peoples of Rethinking Hell and Right Reason. Join us to celebrate Easter (or Pascha) together.
Easter is coming. What does that mean? What is "the Gospel?" How is it good news to hear of a man's death? How could someone come back from death? What does this story mean? Join us as we talk to our buddy Cody about the gospel itself and what the good news really is.
Binkley’s back to set us straight and to talk about what we’ve touched on this month. The propaganda has been at an all-time high with a Hollywood budget. Join us for a slapping’ good time.
It's ladies' night. Cam is out this week, so Britt (a.k.a. @TweetsByBritt) is joining Jessica to talk about the absolute state of women and humanity these days. Between Aquama'am, Rachel Levine as Woman of the year, and the raging culture wars going on, there's a lot to talk about. Join us.
This week, your dearly loved hostess Jessica Green is out and the lovely Monica Perez from the Propaganda Report is filling in for her. She's so used to dissecting the news and getting past the bald-faced lies and we'll delve into what's really happening. Join us for a good time and probably a cocktail or two.
This week, we are joined by the wonderful Cat Cattinson. Once trans, Cat is a student of biology who decided to desist and detransition back to her natural femininity. The transgender activists would have you believe that medical gender transition is a universal good for those with gender dysphoria and that no one ever regrets their decision to transition. Cat disagrees. So, let's talk about that.
This week, we are joined again by our friends Nick and Lizzie. An incredibly fun and insightful couple who happen to also be an interracial couple. To cap off black history month, we'll be chatting about their relationship, their marriage, racism, and their experiences.
This week, we are joined again by Troy Frasier of Revived Studios to learn about the man from whom Valentine's Day gets its name. Renowned saint, martyr, and legendary fighter of the lordship of Caesar, we will get to know St. Valentine and find out why we should know his name.
It's almost Valentine's Day and that means we need to celebrate our love. By "our love," I mean Cam and the very handsome Brad Binkley's. Join us for a good time and a celebration of our first anniversary as the Mad Ones. It'll be fun, I promise.
This week, we are joined by the fabled Stephen Ignoramus. A beloved music teacher, political and social commentator, musician, and well-loved streamer. Join us as we talk about where we are, what we've learned, and how to continue in this clown world.
This week, we are joined by our good friend Whip a.k.a. Whipping Spoon. A thoroughly American man who could easily be the most handsome man that Shelby Lee Adams should photograph, Whip is an almond farmer out of California and a character. Join us as we chat about the farm, how living in maybe the least free state in America has affected him, and what it means to be American.
Who owns the Bible? I don't know if you are aware of this, but the Bible you have next to your bed is most likely copyrighted and you need to get permission to use excepts in your writings or projects. Minister and our friend, Ryan Burgett, comes back on the show to discuss this reality and how we might overcome it.
This week, we are joined by Heather Nielson from Fight the Beast, an organization that helps people who are addicted to sex, pornography, or any other sexual addiction. We're talking the dangers of pornography in your life, in the lives of those who make it, and what it has to do with sex trafficking. Join us as we discuss this often neglected or demonized topic.
I don't know about you, but I am so glad that this stinker of a year is almost over. We've had some great times and some less than great times. But, this week, we are joined by Dent and Brad to celebrate and talk about 2021. The good, the bad, the ugly, and the hopeful. Join us for a good time with good friends.
This week, just a few days before Christmas, we are joined by Q the Abolitionist from Unshackled Liberty to talk about Joseph, the step-father of Jesus Christ. Coming from the line of David and imparting wisdom, love, and carpentry skills to Jesus as he grew, Joseph is a man to look up to who is often forgotten or left on the sidelines. Join us as we discuss Joseph and his importance in the story of Christmas and beyond.
Join us for our Christmas party! We will carouse and chat and maybe have some special guests. If you don’t join us. You get coal in your stocking.
This week, Cody Cook rejoin us to talk about the incarnation of Christ. We look at the story of the Sons of God and the Nephilim and how the birth of Christ directly attacked this perverse paradigm. We also delve into the redemptive nature of the incarnation itself.
This week, we are joined by Troy Frasier from Revived Studios to talk about everyone's favorite fat, jolly anthropomorphized symbol of Christian consumerism. But, really, we are going to rewind time and go back to the bearded, brawling bishop from Myra, St. Nicholas. Join us as we delve into the history and legends surrounding the man who inspired Santa Claus.
This week, our friend Kate from Burials and Beyond comes back to educate us about her speciality, Gothic Spiritualism. With a PhD in the subject, Kate is a wealth of knowledge. Join us to learn about how our ancestors attempted communication with the dead.
This week, we are joined by Dr. Rebecca Simon, a historian and expert in all things pirates from all time periods and geographic locations. An author and TikToker who shares her expertise and passion for scalawags the world over. Join us as we discuss piracy, its history, and how it affected American culture.
This week, we are joined by Dr. Robert Hayes, a PhD and professor of Nuclear Engineering at North Carolina State University, and TikToker. Dr. Hayes is a man of science and faith. Many find this to be an impossibility, yet if you know anything about history, you know that the church pushed forth scientific discovery for centuries. Join us to talk about his life, his work, and about nuclear energy and whether or not it is the best way forward.
This week, we are joined by Chris Date from Rethinking Hell. If you put "Conditional Immortality" into a search engine, you will be treated with pictures of Chris. The concept of Hell is a frightful thing and one that terrifies many. What if we've misread the scriptures? What if the final judgement is different than what we've been told? We will explore this with Chris and we hope you join us.
This week, we are joined by a modern-day exorcist. Scott Johnson is a minister, a demonologist, and an exorcist. Join us as we delve into his past, his conversion, his mission, and what it looks and sounds like to go toe-to-toe with demons.
This week, we are finally taking on a conversation we have teased and wanted to talk about for months. Angels, demons, aliens, clockwork elves, and the sons of God inspire a lot of questions and confusion. We will spend some time with Cody (who wrote a book on the subject) and Ryan (who has spent time researching this subject) and drilling down on the historical understanding and how it affects us personally and theologically.
This week, we are joined by our favorite storyteller in True Crime, Jack Luna. From his work on Dark Topic, Monstruo, and 9-1-1 Calls with the Operator, Jack has done extensive work in telling the stories that reveal the monstrousness of humanity. As a family man with a long list of anecdotes to draw from, he is the best to hear tell these tales.
This week, we are joined by our new friends, Buffalo Rambler and Leggs of False Reality Check. A couple who are radically reconsidering their base assumptions and journeying through parts unknown. Join us as we pick their brains. You're going to have a great time. Also, Loki Odinson (as portrayed by Brad Binkley) joins us.
This week, we are joined by The Odd Man Out. On his show, The Oddcast, he covers hidden history, the occult, fringe Christianity, philosophy, and cults. This week, he joins us to discuss the most deadly non-governmental Social Justice cult in history, Jim Jones' the Peoples Temple and their commune in Jonestown, Guyana. Join us to explore the dangers of this socialist cult.
This week, we are joined by our good friend from the Propaganda Report, Monica Perez. Right after the 20th anniversary of 9/11, we will reminisce, talk about what happened that day, grapple with the official story, and make several dirty jokes. Join us for a great time.
This week, we talk to Cindy Harless of Abortion Recovery Alabama. We will be talking about her mission and ministry to help women who have had abortions and feel deep regret. We will talk about how abortion affects those who have gone through it and how she helps women become forgiven and set free. Also, her son is super handsome.
This week, we are joined again by our good friend Nick Pecone. Nick spent time in college studying philosophy. When he has come across our episodes on postmodernism and other philosophies, he has some details and ideas that he wants to add to the conversation. Join us as we hit that and any number of other topics.
This week, my good friend Kim Schjang joins us on the porch to talk Stoicism. Stoicism is a very misunderstood philosophy and concept in the modern world. As a proponent and student of Stoicism, Kim joins us to chat about Stoicism, the virtue of knowledge, and understanding enough.
This week, we are joined by Chris Baker of Ink180. A tattoo artist who found the Lord and decided to use his art to help heal the world around him. He transforms tattoos used as brands in sex trafficking, gang tattoos, and from domestic violence situations and turns them into something beautiful, redeeming the past with renewed beauty. Join us as we discuss his mission and ministry.
This week, we are joined by the illustrious Harley from Cryptid Bartender. We will be chopping it up about jackalopes, Jersey Devils, Nessie, and Bigfeet and touching on the interest in the mythical. Join us for a great time.
This week, we are joined by Chris Amidon. A man who used to work at an inner-city inpatient crisis psychiatric center and walked away with a deeper understanding of psychiatry and the myth of mental illness.
This week, we are joined by Kate Cherrell of Burials and Beyond. Kate is a British enthusiast of cemeteries, death history, miserable victorians, and the paranormal. With a newly acquired Phd in Gothic Literature, She is the perfect person to talk to about life, death, and the weird bits in-between. Join us for a conversation about life, death, hope, the macabre, and more.
This week, we are joined by our very good friend Ali. There is much talk of postmodernism, what it is, what it means, and its practicality. Being a postmodernist, we thought Ali might have a little something to offer that we wouldn't get from its opponents.
Welcome to The Mad Ones. I'm glad you're here. This week, we will be celebrating a pretty major milestone, 100 episodes. Much blood, sweat, dick jokes, and tears went into this body of work. So, join us to celebrate and take some time to look back and to look to the future. Let's have some fun.
This week, we are joined by a good, old friend. One of the hosts of the Voluntary Vixens. She is a yoga queen, an incredibly smart woman with many a good insight, and an incredible friend. The essential oils make her smell good, too. Join us for a good time.
This week, we are joined by an old friend and a true freedom fighter. The host of GodArchy and the Friday Gold Wrap Podcast, author, communications director for the Tenth Amendment Center, and managing editor of the SchiffGold website, Mike Maharrey has made it his life's mission to find freedom in an unfree world and share that freedom with others. He's fought the law, he's fought the feds, and he uses their sacred writings against them on a daily basis. Join us for a great time.
This week, we are joined by a fisher of men. This blonde bombshell is force to be reckoned with in the libertyverse. Natalie Danelishen of the Mises Institute joins us to talk about her battle with COVID, the fight for freedom at all costs, and her part in converting Rob Schneider into a reader of Ludwig von Mises.
This week, we are joined yet again by the best guy to ever grace the bird app, Dent a.k.a @dentintheworld. Owner of ZenPro Audio and patron and benefactor of many of the best creators around, Dent returns to shoot the proverbial shit and have a great time with good friends. Join us in this very exciting love fest.
This week, we are joined by man behind LBRY and Odysee, Jeremy Kauffman. A fighter for the freedom of information and freedom of speech, Jeremy has used the blockchain to create a space where you cannot be canceled. The federal government and the SEC are trying to take him down, but he will not be stopped. Join us to explore his work and how he is fighting the monster known as the state to make your life and everyone else's better.
This week, we are joined by the most handsome man in the Atlanta Metropolitan area, Mr. Brad Binkley of Propaganda Report fame. We're breaking down the now, getting into the depths, and probably making more off-color jokes than you'll be able to count.
On this special Sunday episode of the Mad Ones, we are joined by good friend of the show (and us personally) Mr. Nick "Three Dicks" Pecone. There is more than enough to talk about and he will probably correct us about past episodes. No matter what, it is going to be a good time.
This week, we are joined by my very best buddy, Monica Perez of the Propaganda Report. We're going to talk current events, what's going on behind the teleprompter, and how baddies are taken down in theatrical ways and how that effects the little guy. Join us for what always ends up being a great time.
Grab your case of canned wine or a fishbowl full of margarita. The Mad Ones' friend month starts on this very special Cinco de Mayo. Whoever Cinco de Mayo is, he shares a birthday with your favorite hostess, Miss Jessica Green. Join us as we welcome our good friends, Freckles and Britt, to celebrate freedom, white pills, and the queen of soup and horror.
This week, we are joined by YouTube freedom fighter and editor-in-chief of the Anti-Media, Carey Wedler, joins us to talk about well, Carey Wedler. We will discuss the dangerous fight for peace, love, and freedom in this world as well as emotional healing and wholeness in this current paradigm.
In this very special episode, we are joined by the coolest patriarch in the liberty world, Mr. Jeff Deist of the Mises Institute. He is a man whose rational and apt arguments have been called hateful by the Woke Mob, the man who understands being "post-persuasion," and a pillar of freedom in a chaotic world. Join us as we explore our current paradigm and our dire need for decentralization and secession.
This very special Tax Day, we join together with very failed politician Joshua Smith on the traditional day of selling your soul to the devil so that you aren't thrown into a cage. Join us for a riveting good time as we tear into the state and talk about how we plan to nullify the state in our lives.
This week, we are joined by a psychonaut mystical man, Mike Brancatelli. You may know him from Part of the Problem or from Mikeadelic. We live in strange times and there is so much more going on than meets the eye. Join us as we explore beyond ourselves.
This week, Jessica and I are joined by the inimitable Scott Horton. The Enclyclopedia Brown of the Anti-War Movement. An author, radio host, speaker, activist, and fighter for peace, we are truly humbled by Scott's presence and we're happy you are joining us.
This week, we're talking to a friend of the show and a youth pastoring anarchist out of the fine state of Iowa. One of the three hosts of the Flyover Libertarian Podcast, Josh (a.k.a. Iowancap), joins us to talk about Christianity, anarchy, and the world we currently live in.
This week, we talk to Living Free in Tennessee's own Nicole Sauce. A woman compelled to reduce government involvement in everything, raise chickens, and cook really great food for her neighbors, she is clearly one of us. We discuss optimism, the numerous opportunities we have, and how to find your people.
This week, we are talking to the man behind "Wood Chipper Goes Brrr." A solid dude with a musical mind and an ethereal wit. Join us to get to know this SKA loving punk and just have a gnarly time talking about punk, rule 34, dragon/car relationships, absurdist Twitter accounts, and more.
This week, we are graced with the presence of a true historian and bucker of the system, Mr. Thaddeus Russell. Join us as we discuss history, philosophy, the state of the world, Christianity, culture, our rebel roots, and find some hope in the chaos.
This week, Jessica and I are joined by Jessie from Voluntary Vixens to celebrate St. Paddy's Day with some strong Irish whiskey, beer, and wherever our green hearts take us. Join us for a good time, some better fellowship, and a genuine love for our scumbag outlaw forebears.
This week, Jessica and I are joined by the one-and-only Perky Biscuits. He is a twitch streamer and fire tweeter. We talk time parrots, being super straight, gay pirates, lab created genitals, Joe Biden deep fakes, and more. Join us for a good time.
This week, Jessica and I are joined by the researcher extraordinaire. The man who pours through depressing news stories and scours the deepest parts of the internet for the truth and then presents it daily with Monica Perez on the Propaganda Report. Brad joins us to talk about Brad and all of the things that makes him do what he does and the importance of seeking scary truth in the face of horror.
In this special episode, Jessica and I sit down with the baddest Hotep of them all to lay down the truth about the Hoteps, race, freedom, and more. Join us as we drill down on the facts and burn down the propaganda.
This week, we are joined by the inimitable Three Dicks, a.k.a. Nicky P of Peace Freqs. Nick is fellow madman on the road to freedom. We talk Bill and Ted, Biden's pedophilic photos on twitter, My Little Pony, social justice, racism, and much more. Join us for a good time.
The Red Hot Chilly Prepper herself, Miss Suzanne Sherman joins us this week. She's an old friend and a stick of dynamite in the feminine form. Join Jessica and me as we probe her brain, talk about gun laws, prepping, how 3D printed guns is an epic white pill, and how the bill of rights was a mistake.
This week, Jessica and I are joined by the one and only Tho Bishop. We talk how much better it is in Florida, how Trump's legacy, democracy, leading by example, and how lame the LP is. Join us, nerds.
This week, Dent and I christen the newly rebranded show by talking to our friend Eric Hailar from the Rebel With A Cause Podcast. We talk about alcohol, tobacco, firearms, AOC, diets, fart kisses, and more. Join us if you’re into having a good time.
This is the last episode of the show as "Make Liberty Great Again." Next week, we will return as The Mad Ones, Jessica's coming on as official co-host, and we are moving past the Trump era and embracing hope and white pills. For my last episode, my good friend David Derryberry joins us to talk about what's happening now, what the future holds, stocks and bonds, good and bad superhero movies, TikTok fame, and how the South is better than everywhere else. We also had Phil Padilla, my original MLGA co-host come on to say goodbye, Ryan from TechnoAgorist joins us, and we have a good time.
This week, I have Britt joining me to talk about whatever the hell happens during the inauguration, anarchism, minarchism, Trump's "New Army" and the Soviet Nature of the left and their lists, how Trump is a pile of garbage due to him not pardoning Assange, Snowden and especially Ulbricht, and more.
Mr. Shaine Scalph and his lovely wife Nico from What's HAPAning is joining me and Jessica this week for, you know, reasons. We talk about parenthood, being sexually aroused by Chuck Schumer's fear, skyrocketing IQs, how AOC is a created person, the so-called insurrection at the Capitol, and more. Join us for a good time with some awesome half-Asians.
This week, I have Miss Monica Perez and Jessica Green joining us to start the year off right. With the protest and follow-up storming of the Capitol, we have a lot to talk about. Was it a spook? Were there agents provocateur? Are aliens demons? How do you determine that one own's land? What the hell is going on? We talk about it.
This week, I have a truly ridiculous amount of people join me. As is normal, I have Jessica and Dent, but we also have Monica Perez, Brad Binkley, both of the Voluntary Vixens, Thaddeus Preston, and the TechnoAgorist himself, Mr. Ryan Burgett. We have a bit of a year in retrospective, we talk about how gross the female body is, the white pills of the year, the fire pill, and more. Join us as we have a good time with just a touch of that Dark Tom Woods bad audio.
This week, I have Jessica and Dent back on to talk about black pills, doomerism, how we deal with the doomers in our life, and how white pills and hope are necessary to retain sanity. We cover the anti-human policy of the left, how we need to engage with and change the zeitgeist, how bad Christian movies are, which celebrities get a pass for their shitty opinions, and how human shit is a barometer for how well a civilization is doing.
This week, Jessica joins me again and we have a conversation with one of our favorite people in the twittersphere, Dent. We talk about how great Tom Woods is, how small wins matter, what Bernie Sanders probably smells like, a debate on whether or not student loans will ever be forgiven, how worthless college degrees are, the war on drugs, sex work, and much more. Join us for a good conversation with people who actually like each other.
This week, I welcome a good friend of mine in the libertyverse, Hal Pedersen. A chef, mead-maker, taco-truck owner, and king of Facebook arguments. This week, we run the gamut. We talk psychic vampires, wizards, inter-dimensional beings, magic, Jesus, the election results, Soviet style lists, and Hell. Join us for what I happen to think was a good time.
This week, I have Jessica Green back to talk about the upcoming election, the boog bois, political violence, misuse of the NAP, north Korea, Jesus Christ, using the Lord’s name in vain, the Lincoln Project, and how the neoconservative movement was started by disaffected Trotskyites. It’s a good time and you should join us.
This week, Suzanne Sherman, the Red Hot Chilly Prepper, joins me to talk about the election, the horrifying police state that we live in, how Public Defenders are heroes, and how the left resurrected a dead child to get you to vote for Joe Biden.
This week, I welcome back Jessica Green to chat about Boring Jo and her Brony sidekick Spike, how the LP is most probably a spook, leftists telling Christians to be Christlike, the Breonna Taylor incident, and how Tittypussy is our best hope for the future.
In this very NSFW episode, resident Lesbertarian, Kim Schjang, joins me to talk about Cuties, child sex trafficking and pornography, the sexualization of children, Epstein, the Libertarian Party, and the necessity of drawing a line in the sand and saying no.
This week, I am joined by Joshua Ferguson of Hourly Struggle fame. We talk about why the LP deserves to die, why you shouldn’t vote for Jo Jorgensen, the case for defensive voting, labels of no utility, bump stocks, and the lack of nuance in low-status tyrants.
This week, I have Thaddeus back on to talk about what’s been grinding his gears. We talk about the LP nominee’s racially pandering tweet heard round the world, how I believe that Parler is a honey pot so the feds can still watch the dissidents who are kicked off of other social networks, how I’m blocked by the NRA on Twitter, and who Thaddeus is giving the D.
This week, Ryan and I have a chat with Gary Guthary from Thank You For Your Servers. We talk about bike accidents, pedophiles, war heroes, pool diarrhea, puppies, and more.
This week, Ryan and I have a chat with Mike Maharrey, who is one of the busiest men in liberty. We talk about how he's dealt with the coronavirus, the new normal, lizard bitches, the unseen realm, vaccines, and an oldie but a goodie, whether or not a hot dog is a sandwich.
This week, I am joined by the Libertarian Kitchen Witch herself, Jessica Green of the Jessica Green Show. We talk about Nick Cannon's cancellation over anti-Semitism, neuro-melanin, plague rats, maskers, anti-maskers, Ghislaine Maxwell, other well-known kiddie-diddlers, the LP's shitty copypasta tweets, and how you should watch 100 horror movies with us before Halloween.
This week, Kim and I are joined by the Peace Freqs. Nick and Lizzie Pecone from former Sounds Like Liberty fame join us to talk about how we are versions of each other from parallel universes, how Nick got the nickname “Three Dicks,” the so-called liberty movement, ginger libertarians, the Libertarian Party, racism, the Civil War, and much more. Join us for a good time among friends.
This week, Kim and I speak to Mark Kreslins, who I have dubbed the Based Boomer. We talk about his new book, the need of boomers to repent for what they have done to our country, reading the Bible correctly, technology as the way towards freedom, idol worship, and the power of mocking the state.
This week, Suzanne Sherman, the Red Hot Chilly Prepper, joins Kim and I to talk about prepping, the current state of the world, education, a touch of agorism, and Lady Graham's ladybugs.
In likely our most NSFW, if not most offensive, episode to date, I am joined by Thaddeus Preston from Thank You For Your Servers and Ryan Burgett from Techno-Agorist. We shoot the shit and talk about the brilliant methods of BLM, transphobia, homophobia, black culture, the Hotep movement, and whatever the hell Geechee is.
This week, I am joined by Maddie from the Voluntary Vixens and a giant in the liberty world, Eric July. We talk about his band, Backwordz, and their new song, "The Great Equalizer," Blackout Tuesday, the creativity in the liberty world, and how he would fight Tom Morello in a communist v. capitalist cage match.
Monica Perez from the Propaganda Report and David from the Morning Drive join me this week to get to know Monica, discuss conspiracies, talk about current events, and to break down our feelings on the corporate press and the Cathedral. Join us as we have a lighthearted jaunt through topics ranging from the moon landing, the Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone, Snowden and Assange's possible ties to the CIA, BLM and the George Floyd protests, and whether or not Kurt Cobain killed himself. This is a long conversation that will hopefully be as much fun for you to listen to as it was for me to record.
Thaddeus from Thank You For Your Servers and Kim from Lesbertarian come on to discuss George Floyd, the protests, the riots, race relations, Cheeto Jesus, and the black experience.
A short episode for these tumultuous times. The system is not broken. It was designed this way.
After a short hiatus due to a move and a pandemic, Chuck and Cam are back to shoot the shit and talk about the lock-down, video games, punching celebrities, and Chuck's deep hatred for snakes.
Good news, everyone! Chuck is back and he's here to stay. With my new permanent co-host, we talk about Weinstein's sentencing, pedophilia, the democrats, the cryptkeeper, coronavirus, Chelsea Manning's unfortunate attempted suicide, and the murder of Duncan Lemp at the hands of the police. Editor's note: There were some sound difficulties that you may notice. My deepest apologies. Also, when I talk about Manning's 35 years, I'm talking about her sentence, not how much time she spent in the pokey. I am a moron and I needed you to know that in advance.
Chuck is back with me this week to discuss Clinton's anxiety relief, an update on the democratic field, deporting old Nazis, a Free Market hero, Trump's lawsuit against the corporate media, and Harvey Weinstein's disgusting body.
This week, I have my buddy Chuck DeGroot on to talk about some news, relationships, state worship, the road to anarchism, and autism.
Here is the second Red Pill that I produced that was found at the end of episode 29. It is short, sweet, and to the point. We look at the time that the US Intelligence community tried to talk JFK into assassinations, terrorist attacks, and other monstrous acts to start a war with Cuba.
I wanted to rewind the clock and re-share our first Red Pills. This was originally a part of Episode 28. In this Red Pill, we take a look at the time that the Philadelphia Police Department bombed their own city.
In our final installment of the Waco Massacre Red Pill of the Week, we conclude the story of the federal government's assault on the Branch Davidians at Mt. Carmel. David Koresh, Mt. Carmel, and all of the people inside were gassed and burned to death. Here's how it happened.
In part two of a three part Red Pill of the Week, we take a look at Operation Showtime and recount the story of the ATF's failed raid on David Koresh and the Branch Davidian's at their home, Mt. Carmel. This is what happens when you stand up to the federal government and their militarized police forces. And it only gets worse from here.
For this Red Pill of the Week, we take a look at who David Koresh was, what the Branch Davidians believed, and what happened inside of Mount Carmel before the ATF stormed the gates on February 28th, 1993.
This week, we talk about how the Senate in Virginia dgaf about your gun protests, Assange's lack of human rights, bat butthole soup, protests in Baghdad, Brexit's status, the Doomsday clock, impeachment, the democratic race for the presidency, and Joe Rogan saying the n-word.
This week, we go over plenty of news. From souvenir pens and Bernie's alleged sexism to Spaceforce uniforms and a peaceful Boogaloo.
This week, we get an Iran update from our personal foreign policy news hound, Matt Nichols, and we talk about the LP, what we think of it, and if it is remotely worth saving. Spoiler alert: It's not.
This week, we take a look at what happened atop Ruby Ridge. A story of entrapment, firefights, snipers, and how the federal government set up Randy Weaver and killed his family.
New Year, new war crimes. We start off the year with Ryan joining me to talk about the happenings going on over in Iraq and Iran. An assassination, some intrigue, and more than enough death to start the year. Join us as we break it down.
A New Year's retrospective and good company. This week, Ryan, Kim, and Maddie join me again. We talk about our favorite stories of the year, what we did this year, our plans for next year, and have a good time. You should join us.
Merry Christmas! This week, we have an MLGA Network collaboration Christmas show. We have Maddie from Voluntary Vixens, Kim from Lesbertarian, Thaddeus from Thank You For Your Servers, David from The Morning Drive With David, Ryan from Techno-Agorist, and, as always, your least favorite podcaster, me.
Our first standalone Red Pill of the Week. This week, we talk about the time the Congress, the President, and the Kuwaiti Embassy used a little girl to lie us into war.
This week, I take on a neoconservative's call for re-education camps, the repudiation of the left in the UK, necrophilia, the current state of the Democratic candidates, and Time's Person of the Year, Greta Thunberg.
This week, Ryan Burgett of Techo-Agorist joins me again. We talk about China's document leak about their repression of Muslims, the UPS murders, Amazon's Doorbell spy cameras, Deep State torture, the FBI's self-snitching program, and a Trump impeachment update. We also examine Operation Northwoods in the Red Pill of the Week.
I have a lot to be thankful for this year. I go over some things that have made my life better, Joe Biden's love of kids sitting in his lap and playing with his leg hair, an important update on Trump's impeachment, Mayor Pete's conflict with AOC, and your first red pill of the week.
We have a special treat for you in the form of an extra episode this week. We had a conversation with John McAfee. John is a cyber security expert, past and future presidential candidate, pirate on the high seas, and overall badass. We talked Epstein, technology, violence, the deep state, and how he was framed for murder. It was a great conversation that I am beyond stoked to share with you.
Roger Stone gets 50 years, Planned Parenthood gets $780,000, a CBS employee gets fired by ABC, and we all get shafted. Ryan is back to discuss all of this and more with me this week.
This week, I have Ryan back to talk about men wearing hijabs, tattooed eyes, Jacob Hornberger's candidacy for the Libertarian Party Presidential Nomination, Pocahontas' Meme Team, Epstein not killing himself, and the evils of "doctored" photos. Did I mention that Epstein didn't kill himself?
Do "voluntary taxes" exist? Is fairness real? Are mutants dangerous? I have Ryan back on to cover for Phil and we talk about voluntary taxation, lotteries, fairness as a concept, and Halloween legislation. Join us for an impromptu conversation and hopefully a good time.
What was your crystalizing moment? What moment pushed you towards liberty and made you realize that you weren’t a Republican or a Democrat, but rather a libertarian? Mine was a speech by Dr. Paul. Today, Cam spends some time talking about what that moment would look like today, would could create that moment, and what that person should say.
This week, we end our hiatus with a short episode with Cam. There's a brief state of the podcast as well as a short and very personal rant about death and the state.
This week, we talk pedophiles, aliens, baby swaps, fat people, bad cops, and salty libertarians. We even delve into some libertarian theory.
This week, we had a grand old time talking about arguing against morality, Andy Ngo’s attack, Trump visiting Best Korea, Marianne Williamson’s whacky tweets, and gave a send off to Justin Raimondo.
This week, we are still somehow talking about Hillary’s emails, we touch on Venezuelan embezzling, Nicholas Sarwark’s insecurity, Juneteenth and reparations, and the Iranian attack that didn’t happen.
Episode 15 - Enemy of Humanity is here and we’re back to talking news. We talk euthanasia, tariff threats, false murders in the Best Korea, Assange’ health, banning silencers, burning flags, and false flags.
Welcome to our first MLGA Chat without Ryan Burgett. We have Mike Maharrey of the Tenth Amendment Center fame. We had a great conversation with Mike about the constitution, violence, Christianity, and it is well worth the listen.
Phil is back! We talk forced vaccines, Assange’s charges, pardoned war criminals, true attacks on the press, Creepy Joe Creeping, Alabama school tyranny, the View, and some other fiery topics.
Phil went to go pretend to be manly in the wilderness. So, I'm all by myself this week. Luckily, I had a little help from some friends. We talked Electoral College, gay aardvarks, Biden's low IQ, frozen sperm, and the new chemical weapon attack in Syria.
This week, we talk the Alabama abortion law, what's going on with Trump and Iran, Assange's rape case, the Venezuelan raid, and federal supremacy.
Yeah, we were late uploading, but we had a lot to talk about. Foreign Policy, Chelsea Manning, Transgender Kindergarten classes, the Georgia Abortion Bill, and Magic Mushrooms. Tell your friends that we will give them Magic Mushrooms to listen.
Welcome to our second MLGA Chat. We like to have conversations with interesting people with expertise in different areas at least once a month. This is not one of those episodes. Instead, we had on Ryan Burgett to interview us and to give at least one of our liberty origin stories.
Yeah, we were gone a week, but we're back! We talk Biden, Beto, Alabama gun laws, New Zealand aftermath, UK rape laws, thought crimes, and Venezuela.
This week, we talk about the Mueller Report (again), the North Korean situation (again), the War in Yemen (again), the Naval Academy Transgender Ban, and the danger of being a journalist in the US.
Gosh, it’s nice to hit the two month mark of regular episodes. This week we talk the Strange Planet abortion controversy, the presidential nuclear option, Medicare-For-All, and Julian Assange.
Creepy Uncle Joe is probably behind you. Welcome to episode 7. This week we talk Joe Biden's sniffing tendencies, Trump closing the US-Mexico border, Ending the war in Yemen, an update on North Korea, and beer.
This week, we talk the Mueller report, The Green New Failure, Georgia’s abortion law backlash, the Rockland vaccine Martial Law, conclude the Jussie Smollett incident, and have a Q&A. Give us a listen!
Welcome to our first MLGA Chat. We will be having conversations with interesting people with expertise in different areas at least once a month. Our first guest is Ryan Burgett, a software developer and the mind behind the MLGA Network. His new podcast "Thank You For Your Servers" with Kim Schjang and Thaddeus Preston will be coming soon.
The fifth is here. This week we talk the electoral college, crash and Bernie, reparations, New Zealand, and presumed donation.
Four weeks in a row? Wow. This week we talk #YangGang libertarians, AOC's corruption, Sandy Hook lawsuits, stopping the war in Yemen, and our boy Beto.
We made it to three whole episodes. This week we talk real government conspiracies, humanized mice, prostitution, and drone strikes.
Welcome back. This week we talk the Oscars, North Korea, another fake hate crime, a little more AOC, and we take on the MoMo Challenge.
Welcome to our inaugural episode. We talk Democratic nominees, fake hate crimes, the Green New Deal, and Gay Globalism. We also have Thaddeus on for our Token Take.