This very special Tax Day, we join together with very failed politician Joshua Smith on the traditional day of selling your soul to the devil so that you aren't thrown into a cage. Join us for a riveting good time as we tear into the state and talk about how we plan to nullify the state in our lives.
Watch the live video of this conversation here: youtu.be/KfOL0UlJOjs
Follow Josh on Twitter over at twitter.com/JoshuaAtLarge
Are you subscribed to his channel yet? Go to https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCi_H-O6VnCqCEO3BdIE7M5A to rectify that.
Buy yourself some Lorenzotti Italian coffee at lorenzotti.coffee/ and don't forget to grab a tin and try it out for 10% off with our special promo code THEMADONES.
Buy one of our spiffy new shirts: https://amzn.to/2NwJ4E3
If I forgot to link something here that I said I would, shoot me a tweet and I'll send it to you.
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