Last week, we asked "what is the gospel?" We walked through the full-view of the gospel from Genesis to the Cross. This week, we take a look at the resurrection of Christ, at a Christian view of anthropology (do souls exist?), and the great Christian hope, the resurrection of all and the marriage of Heaven and Earth with Glenn Peoples of Rethinking Hell and Right Reason. Join us to celebrate Easter (or Pascha) together.
Watch the live video of this conversation on YouTube. Join our Patreon for the occasional early episode and more!
Follow Glenn on Twitter: @RightReason_NZ
Check out his writings at Right Reason: rightreason.org
Check out his work on Final Judgement at Rethinking Hell: rethinkinghell.com
Become a Patron and supporter of the show: patreon.com/TheMadOnes
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