This week, we are joined again by the very great author and screenwriter, Brian Godawa. The author of the Chronicles of the Nephilim, the Chronicles of the Watchers, and the Chronicles of the Apocalypse, the man has spent hours in study and writing on the overarching meta-narrative of the Bible, which came to a cresendo in the life of Jesus Christ.
It's Christmas, so we're talking about the birth of Christ. More specifically, the incarnation and what that meant to the culture at the time.
This one is going to be a good one.
Give him a follow on Twitter: @BrianGodawa
Check out his work and everything he's up to here: godawa.com
Watch "To End All Wars" for free on Amazon Prime (if you have a subscription): Push here.
You can read "Noah Primeval" for free on Kindle Unlimited here: Click here.
You can get a paperback here: Click this.
Or, if you're into hardback, you can get that here: Click this one, but harder than the last one.
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