This week, we are joined by Dr. Robert Hayes, a PhD and professor of Nuclear Engineering at North Carolina State University, and TikToker. Dr. Hayes is a man of science and faith. Many find this to be an impossibility, yet if you know anything about history, you know that the church pushed forth scientific discovery for centuries. Join us to talk about his life, his work, and about nuclear energy and whether or not it is the best way forward.
Watch the live video of this conversation on Patreon.
Find Dr. Hayes on TikTok: @nuclearsciencelover
Learn more about him here: ne.ncsu.edu/people/rbhayes
Check out some of his work: ne.ncsu.edu/rdna
And read Radiation, Physics, and Chemistry which he is the Associate Editor of here: sciencedirect.com/journal/radiation-physics-and-chemistry/about/editorial-board
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